What is Class C Hosting? About C Class IP Address For SEO

Class C Hosting is a hotly debated topic. Everyone has chipped in with a different opinion, and worst of all, from time to time, Google has come out with cryptic hints that wrong Class C could prevent a website from ranking high.
Listen Google did not say that exactly but what I meant is this type of web hosting is used people who in the SEO industry. Who tries to rank websites higher on Google first page.
And for that, they do build private blog networks for SEO and the blog should be hosted on unique IPs do no one knows they owned by the same owners. Because if Google gets to know it (or at least think they do not have a way to find it or bother about it) or if competitors find it reports to Google the ranks can cause drops.
[Tweet “In this guide, I will explain everything about Class C Hosting and who used and how to use it the right way to host websites and SEO blogs.”]
Read till the end and you will fully understand what is C Class hosting which also sold as SEO Hosting and PBN Hosting with slight differences in the performance of servers.
If you want to skip the reading and just buy the best Class C Hosting for your private blogs and websites, head over to the www.seekahost.app and get the most affordable packages that I’ve been using for over 5 years.
Since SEO specialists and their clients do not know network engineering, it is worth settling this conundrum once and for all.
What is an IP address?
An IP address is a unique 4 block number that identifies a computing device on a network.
Note how typing in your browser would always open the router configuration page. The laptop that you access the router with usually will be assigned, the tablet you are using, and the Wi-Fi printer and so on.
On the same network, two devices cannot share the same IP address.
There are two types of IP addresses used in public networks (the above was a home or office network and hence private) the older IPv4 and the newer IPv6. For the sake of simplicity and avoiding needless scientific explanation, we would restrict ourselves to IPv4.
It is made of 4 blocks of up to 3 digits each in for of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
All of the digits can be between 0 and 255, with some reserved for specified use, such as multicasting and loopback. It is 32 bytes in size and allows for 4.3 billion combinations.
As the number of computing devices has grown, this has necessitated changing to an IPv6 format that can provide several trillion since in place of 4 blocks of 3 digits it has 8 blocks of 4 characters (alphabets are also a part of IPv6) such as 2011:0gb8:0218:0300:0392:fd00:0032:8329.
However, note that the IPv6 is mostly used for devices running inside a network, a classic example being smartphones. An ISP such as Verizon has an IPv4 address on the broader internet, but it assigns IPv6 addresses to the five million devices running inside it.
What is C Block/class C?
This is important – there are five classes of IP addresses A, B, C, D, E and the third octet of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is known as C Block.
They should not be confused.
IP address classes are according to importance or an organization. Even if you wish you would not be able to obtain an IPv4 address such as
From to are reserved for the biggest multinational companies and known as Class A. The most famed is Google DNS with
Class B is from to and is assigned to ISPs and organizations such as hospitals and universities.
Class C is from to is assigned to small and medium enterprises.
On the other hand, C Block is the third quartet of digits. For example, in, it is 231.
Why is C Block so important in SEO?
1. Backlinking
A search engine such as Google or Bing scans your site and also the backlinks arising from it. Although the IP address is not visible to the naked eye, it is obvious to the crawler.
Having plenty of backlinks that have high domain authority is known as one of the best ways to top SERP.
Unfortunately, those who run link farms provide IP addresses of blogs and sites that are very close to each other such as and, and so on. They are all websites on the same server and allocated IPv4 addresses that are almost identical. Since the C Block is 243, the web crawler instantly understands that both backlinks to different blogs come from the same server.
This lowers your site’s reputation in the eyes of Google.
2. Bad neighbourhood
You chose the cheapest hosting plan. It cost you less than half of what an average hosting provider would charge. You believe you got a fantastic deal, but no matter how much you try, your site won’t march up the rankings.
This is because a slew of bad websites – porn, loan scammers, online gambling sites also had the bright idea of hosting their site on the cheapest server. Since Google algorithm has observed that 80% of the content coming out of the C Block of that server is questionable and has lumped you with them.
3. Multiple domains on same C Block –
You own many sites, each with excellent content, but they are located in the same C Block.
Let us say you own Mr. Mack Realty, Mr. Mack Home Maintenance Service, Mr. Mack Car Repair Service, Mr. Mack Used Car Dealership all on the same C Block of a server.
Nothing really wrong with it except that if you backlinked them, it seems that you belong to a link farm.
Bad luck, but you must be more careful in the future.
It is allowed but for highly reputed firms that have Class A IPV4 address.
The Way Out
It is quite easy to get past this obstacle. Your hosting provider has to provide you with a reputed C Block (not inhabited by porn sites), and if you have multiple domains, then multiple Class C hosting (again a misnomer since it must be multiple C Block hosting) is what you need. At SeekaHost you can get multiple IP Class hosting packages for this.
Any reputed hosting provider would be able to provide your addresses with different C Blocks if you request.
How can you test it? Once you launch your site, use reverse IP address lookup. All that you have to do is provide your domain name to any website that provides reverse lookup, and you can find the IPv4 address of your site.
If you already have several sites on the same C Block, it is advisable you change providers immediately. In fact, even if you own a single domain, it is a good idea to go with a multiple Class C hosting provider because you may want to expand and also add an eCommerce store to your website or expand into the business.
Google takes IP addresses very seriously, and so should you as a business owner if you want to rank high in search results.
What is C Class IP Address?
It’s said that the C Class IP Addresses are in the range from 192-223 in the first byte and are mostly used in small-sized companies. And they are the most used type of Ip address for SEO hosting purposes in the blogging community.
The OmniSecu.com states that Class C networks and Class C IP addresses are the:
Refer to their article here for more in-depth knowledge about the Class C IP Address ranges.
The yourdictionary.com gives much simpler Computer Definition:
The vast majority of people in the SEO community uses the Class C version IP address when they host private blogs that are used for SEO purposes.
I’ve been using private blogs and the majority of the blogs are hosted using the Class C IP Multiple location server hosting.
The latest SeeHost.app provides Multiple local Class C IPs for all the blog hosting and I have tested them for over 5 years and after only opened to the market.
You can check the autopilot blog hosting with 1 click options and your blogs can be up in less than 60 seconds.
What is the C Class IP Range?
According to computer Hope › Dictionary › I – Definitions you can see the ranges start from to
Class C | to | Supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networks. |
Watch the video below to see the newly updated 50 IPs to the Blog hosting control panel.