22 Self Employed Jobs From Home You Can Do Earn More Than £1,000 A Month

22 Self Employed Jobs From Home You Can
Do Earn More Than £1,000 A Month

When we think of how the internet has changed our lives, it is mostly about entertainment (Netflix), e-commerce (Amazon), and social media (Facebook).
But without all the razzamatazz that accompanies the above domains, there has been another way that the online world has quietly made an enormous impact – the job market.
As a digital entrepreneur who bootstrapped himself to success (twice, not once) with an SEO agency and later a web hosting company, I can speak with confidence that comes from first-hand knowledge.
A Quiet Revolution That Runs Deep

Call it what you will, freelancing or gig economy, the size of the sector has grown exponentially.
Some interesting statistics –
By 2023 half of all American workers would be either part of the gig economy or have been part of it at some point. The workforce is nearly equally distributed between millennials, and baby boomers, at 37% and 35%, with Gen Xers bringing up the rear at 28%.
In 2017, the gig economy contributed to 6.7% of US GDP. The principal reason behind the rise of freelancing is better work-life balance and greater autonomy. More and more seek not to be tied to either a desk or corporate structure.
The Best Online Jobs From Home That Brings Megabucks
1. Copywriting

When you scroll through a website (and there are a billion of them), have you ever wondered who writes all the text? Though the copywriting profession has traditionally been identified with advertising and journalism, it has now acquired a whole new meaning. The work is plentiful. You are looking at an adequate income if you can prove yourself by producing clearly written and well-researched content.
2. Translation

No, I do not mean those who act as an interpreter. An online translator’s work is to change legal documents, contracts, deeds to a destination language. The growth of global business has seen the need to translate between English and other languages. It is best if you have a diploma though it is not mandatory.
3. Transcription

Usually, a medical transcriptionist, the job may be adapted for other fields such as legal documents too. The transcriptionist has to listen to dictated notes and type them out in a predetermined format. There is a need for domain knowledge – such as a medical transcriptionist would be at home with terms such as cholecystostomy, gall stone operation for the rest of us.
4. Resume Writing

For long, resume writing has been an art. No one much uses the templates found free on the web. A resume has to capture the strengths of a candidate, highlight experience, and add a zing to his/her personality. All of it then has to be carefully formatted with an easy to read but unique style. A resume writer must be a wordsmith in addition to knowing what an HR manager wants to hear.
5. Virtual Assistant Services

The virtual assistant does everything that an office assistant provides. A large number of startups have pushed the need for this business to go online. Since document management has gone mostly online with MS Office 365 and Google Docs and most companies use shared hosting, it is easy to work from a distance and provide support for accounting, payroll, taxation, customer relations, and a host of other duties.
6. Dropshipping

The big daddy of online jobs from home. You need an ecommerce site to collect orders and ask a manufacturer to forward goods to a buyer. The buyer pays you. You do not own any inventory nor have a warehouse or handle shipping. Basically, you act as a sales conduit and get paid. Once the business is set up, you have to tweak the software and maintain the site. The business processes are mostly automated.
7. Editing

With so much copywriting, someone has to make sure that the writers dot the I’s and cross the T’s. That is the task of the editor. Most editors excel as a copywriter and can read and rearrange the content to make it sound more forceful and persuasive. A very respectable profession, a web copywriter can go on to consult for publishing houses too.
8. Academic Writer

A specialized form of writing that requires thorough domain knowledge, an academic writer helps students put together assignments and thesis. It requires considerable research and fetches excellent income. Naturally, someone who helps with financial management would not be able to help with history. A bachelor’s degree in the field is a minimum requirement.
9. Stock Trader

One of the first online jobs since the mid-90s when buying and selling shares went online. You could start with as little as $5000 and be earning upward of $100,000 a year in two years. However, it needs comfort with number crunching, the ability to read and research, and a very calm temperament. Traders can be both intraday and buy and hold. Many have another job and log in twice a day to buy and sell.
10. Relationship Expert

Have you always fancied yourself as a counselor? Did your friends look to you as an agony aunt in college? Then hop on to the online relationship expert bandwagon. There is a growing need for experts to help people cope with heartbreaks. And let me assure you that in the era of Tinder and Bumble, there are more heartbreaks than you can handle. You would, of course, need a great website and possibly a YouTube channel to draw in customers for paid Skype sessions.
11. Blogger

A blogger is someone with a passion who writes for his/her own website. The best ones consistently earn several million quid a year. Don’t believe it? Just head over to Wendy Nguyen’s blog site about fashion. A blogger since 2010, she is now worth a cool $12 million. Steve Kamb, the owner of Nerd Fitness, has 275,000 subscribers to his newsletter. His followers, known as “Rebels,” are mostly sedentary men and women who have developed an interest in fitness.
12. YouTube Channel

Aaron Doughty is 29 years old. For years he worked as a shoe salesman before chucking his job and turning a full-time YouTube guru. What is his channel about? The Law of Attraction! You might not believe that you can create the future with your mind, but it has not stopped him from capturing 80 million views of his channel and earning over a million bucks. He sure attracted wealth and fame. If his advice would do the same for you is a matter of debate.
13. Graphics Design

The online front end has two components – text written by a copywriter and images created by a graphic designer. You would need to be at home with a variety of software from Photoshop and Illustrator to Sketch. A good laptop or hardy desktop is also required since the task is CPU intensive. Your job is to create visuals – concepts, designs, layouts, images, memes, and similar. If you branch out, you could also create logos, book covers, and illustrate gizmo manuals.
14. Web Design

Do you like to surf the web for hours? Why not turn your passion into an exciting profession. Start designing sites instead of browsing through them. You need an understanding of HTML, Java, and CSS to begin. If you don’t know how to code, there are many free and paid resources online from Code Academy to Free Code Camp. An experienced freelance web designer earns $40,000 per year on average. Not bad at all for a part-time job.
15. Amazon Reseller

Do you like to surf the web for hours? Why not turn your passion into an exciting profession. Start designing sites instead of browsing through them. You need an understanding of HTML, Java, and CSS to begin. If you don’t know how to code, there are many free and paid resources online from Code Academy to Free Code Camp. An experienced freelance web designer earns $40,000 per year on average. Not bad at all for a part-time job.
16. Accountant

With cloud-based accounting software such as Sage and Quickbooks, an accountant has no need to be physically present at company premises and add invoices. Just log in and create tax returns, maintain books, and file returns on your client’s behalf. Depending on where you reside, you may need a diploma or professional certification to work as an accountant.
17. Ebook Publishing

Kindle store opened up publishing to the masses. No longer do you have to send a script to publishers and wait for approval for someone. Just write, and self-publish on Amazon. Choose a genre that you think best represents your work from the hundreds available, set a price, and you are done. If you don’t believe it, just read about Mark Dawson, whose Kindle thriller The Black Mile has sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
18. Fitness Trainer

Do not be surprised. You can be a fitness trainer from a distance using nothing more than Skype (Skype is the go-to tool for one-on-one clients). All that you need to do is set up a training schedule and show him the movements through a video call. Top-notch trainers such as Michael Vazquez have gone beyond Skype and use a personal app to train clients. Of course, you need to be active on Instagram and YouTube to get a sales funnel activated.
19. E-commerce Store

You can follow in the footsteps of Jeff Bezos by selling online. Not by being a reseller but having your own store powered by Shopify or Magento. Some estimates suggest that there are millions of them. Sell anything from your own brand of lingerie to printed coffee mugs. It is easy to source these from China and sell for a 400% markup.
20. Online Tutoring

Sites such as Chegg and Yup offer handsome income for good teachers. Unfortunately, most of the work is regarding STEM subjects and software. These and similar outfits run an eBay for tutoring where there is a bidding system and a question aggregator. You are paid depending on your work, not as a permanent employee but as a freelancer.
22. Software Developer

Unlike what you have been told, you do not have to be part of an organization to design software and write code. If you are good at coding, you could open your gig from your kitchen table. Either write your own software and publish it or work on a contract basis for larger companies. There is no limit to the demand for gifted code jockeys.
23. Site Flipping

Like dropshipping, website flipping is a highly specialized business that also gives good returns if you know-how. Website flippers buy existing domains and use them for SEO. Since these sites have existed for a while, they may enjoy a high domain authority, in which case the backlinks shared on the blog are a valuable source of revenue.
The List Is Probably Endless...
The above is only a brief roundup of what you can do from home. The possibilities are literally endless. My personal experience as an SEO expert has shown me that it is possible to work from anywhere provided you have a laptop and wifi. What you can do is literally limited by your imagination and intellect.
At the very least, you can earn quite a handsome income while working your own hours and without a nasty commute every morning at 8 AM.
Wait no more but start exploring. Maybe when I update this blog a year hence your name would feature as the latest work-from-home millionaire. I will be thrilled if that comes true.