Top 5 ChatGPT SEO Content Writing Strategies for Reader-Friendly Blogs

Top 5 ChatGPT SEO Content Writing Strategies for Reader-Friendly Blogs


As a daily content creator for multiple blogs at SeekaHost and ClickDo Digital agency in London today, I’m excited to share with you some of the top strategies I use to create SEO-focused, reader-friendly content with ChatGPT.

I have been using ChatGPT for a long time and the ChatGPT 4o version really hooked me to use it more for content creation for various guest posting blogs we are building at ClickDo. Writing got much easier and researching for articles got even better. Overall my writing game has got massively improved with SEO friendly content that goes live on our blogs.

In this guide, I will cover five essential strategies, provide examples, and offer some practical tips to help you harness the power of AI for your content creation needs. You can read these to know more head over to my YouTube channel and SeekaHost channel.

Strategy 1: Keyword Research and Integration

Why It Matters

Effective keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Identifying the right keywords ensures your content reaches your target audience and ranks well on search engines.

How to Do It with ChatGPT

  1. Start with Broad Topics: Begin by asking ChatGPT to generate a list of broad topics relevant to your niche. For example:
    • “What are some trending topics in digital marketing?”
    • “Generate a list of popular blog topics for a travel blog.”
  2. Refine Keywords: Once you have a list of topics, use ChatGPT to narrow down specific keywords. Prompt examples include:
    • “List long-tail keywords for digital marketing in 2024.”
    • “What are some high-traffic keywords for a personal finance blog?”
  3. Content Creation: Integrate these keywords naturally into your content. Ensure they appear in titles, headers, and throughout the body without keyword stuffing.


For a digital marketing blog, you might start with the topic “Content Marketing Trends.” ChatGPT could help generate keywords such as “AI in content marketing,” “video content strategies,” and “SEO content optimization.”

Table: Keyword Integration

TitleAI in content marketing1
IntroductionSEO content optimization, video content strategies2
SubheadingsContent marketing trends, AI tools3
Body ParagraphsDigital marketing, content creation, keyword research5

Strategy 2: Crafting Engaging Headlines and Subheadings

Why It Matters

Headlines and subheadings are critical for capturing readers’ attention and improving readability. They also play a significant role in SEO by helping search engines understand the structure and key points of your content.

How to Do It with ChatGPT

  1. Generate Headlines: Ask ChatGPT for multiple headline options for a given topic. For example:
    • “Generate 10 catchy headlines for a blog about SEO tips.”
  2. Test Variations: Use different headline styles such as questions, lists, or how-to guides. Prompt examples:
    • “What are the best listicle headlines for a tech blog?”
    • “Create how-to guide headlines for a fitness blog.”
  3. Subheadings: Ensure each section has a clear and relevant subheading. Prompt example:
    • “Generate subheadings for a blog about the benefits of remote work.”


For a blog on “SEO Tips for Beginners,” ChatGPT might generate headlines like:

  • “Top 10 SEO Tips for Beginners in 2024”
  • “How to Master SEO: A Beginner’s Guide”
  • “SEO Tips You Can’t Ignore: A Guide for Newbies”

Strategy 3: Creating Informative and Engaging Content

Why It Matters

High-quality, informative content keeps readers engaged and encourages them to stay on your page longer, reducing bounce rates and improving SEO.

How to Do It with ChatGPT

  1. Outline the Content: Start with a detailed outline. Prompt example:
    • “Outline a blog post about the importance of backlinks in SEO.”
  2. Expand Each Section: Use ChatGPT to expand each section with detailed information, examples, and statistics. Prompt examples:
    • “Explain why backlinks are important for SEO.”
    • “Provide statistics on the impact of backlinks on search engine ranking.”
  3. Add Value with Examples and Tips: Enhance the content with practical tips and real-world examples. Prompt example:
    • “Give 5 tips for acquiring high-quality backlinks.”


For a blog post on backlinks, the content outline might include:

  • Introduction: Importance of Backlinks
  • How Backlinks Affect SEO
  • Strategies for Building Backlinks
  • Tools for Analyzing Backlinks
  • Conclusion: Best Practices

Table: Content Structure Example

IntroductionDefine backlinks, importance in SEO
How Backlinks Affect SEODetailed explanation, impact on rankings
Strategies for Building LinksGuest posting, broken link building, outreach
Tools for Analyzing LinksAhrefs, Moz, SEMrush
ConclusionRecap, best practices, future trends

Strategy 4: Optimizing for Readability

Why It Matters

Readability is crucial for keeping your audience engaged. Easy-to-read content improves user experience, which is a key factor for SEO.

How to Do It with ChatGPT

  1. Use Simple Language: Ask ChatGPT to simplify complex concepts. Prompt example:
    • “Explain the concept of keyword cannibalization in simple terms.”
  2. Short Paragraphs and Sentences: Break down content into short, digestible chunks. Prompt example:
    • “Rewrite this paragraph to make it shorter and easier to read.”
  3. Bullet Points and Lists: Use bullet points and numbered lists to organize information. Prompt example:
    • “Convert this text into a bullet point list.”


For a blog post on “SEO Best Practices,” use bullet points to list key practices:

  • Use relevant keywords
  • Optimize meta descriptions
  • Create high-quality content
  • Improve website speed
  • Build backlinks

Strategy 5: Incorporating Multimedia

Why It Matters

Multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics enhance user engagement and can improve SEO by keeping visitors on your page longer.

How to Do It with ChatGPT

  1. Suggest Multimedia Elements: Ask ChatGPT for ideas on multimedia to include. Prompt example:
    • “Suggest images and videos to include in a blog about social media marketing.”
  2. Generate Descriptions and Alt Text: Ensure all multimedia elements have descriptive alt text for SEO. Prompt example:
    • “Write alt text for an image of a person using a laptop for digital marketing.”
  3. Embed Multimedia: Strategically place multimedia within the content to complement the text.


For a blog post on “The Power of Visual Content in Marketing,” include:

  • Images of engaging infographics
  • Videos explaining visual content strategies
  • Screenshots of successful campaigns

Table: Multimedia Integration Example

Multimedia TypePlacementDescription
ImageIntroductionInfographic on content marketing
VideoMid-sectionTutorial on creating visuals
ScreenshotThroughout the contentExamples of successful campaigns


Using ChatGPT for content creation can significantly enhance your SEO strategy by ensuring your blogs are not only reader-friendly but also optimized for search engines. By leveraging keyword research, crafting engaging headlines, creating informative content, optimizing readability, and incorporating multimedia, you can produce high-quality blog posts that attract and retain your audience.

For further reading on the benefits of using AI for SEO, check out these articles:

  1. How AI is Revolutionizing SEO – This article discusses how advancements like Google’s Search Generative Experience are changing SEO strategies by making search results more contextual and intuitive​ (Search Engine Journal)​.
  2. The Role of AI in Content Creation – Explore how generative AI tools are reshaping the SEO landscape, from keyword research to content generation, and understand the limitations and best practices for integrating AI into your SEO workflow​ (Search Engine Journal)​.
  3. ChatGPT for SEO: A Game Changer – Discover innovative ways SEO professionals are using ChatGPT to enhance their strategies, including content creation, keyword research, and understanding search intent​ (Search Engine Journal)​.

These resources provide comprehensive insights into how AI, particularly ChatGPT, is transforming SEO and content creation, making them essential reads for anyone looking to stay ahead in the digital marketing field.

By integrating these strategies into your content creation process, you can stay ahead of the curve and consistently produce top-notch content that drives traffic and engagement. Happy writing!
