How to earn money at home in India: 7 Best ways to make money

How to earn money at home in India
as a student or unemployed person in 2020 beyond COVID19

Many people have started to search online about the ways to make money online in India. And I started to get tons of traffic for my posts and one of best is how to start a blog and make money.
If you have not yet read it, go read it here.
After the COVID19 pandemic, many households lost income and maybe your parents lost the job, or you lost your job and are stuck at home. So, it is vital to know how you can earn money while at home.
I knew 2020 would be different and I was preparing from 2013 by looking for ways to create an income while working from home or remotely from wherever I wanted. So, I read many books about how to work from home and what jobs can I do from home.
I realised starting an online business and creating online incomes is the best way to be free and save my time travelling to work.
To be honest I hated to travel to work as I felt it was wasting my time. After a lot of reading and researching online, it was evident to me that earning money by working online is the best way to earn money from home and that the future of work and living moves towards virtual living.
Today I live a very fulfilled life, having established my SEO agency ClickDo Ltd. in the UK and my web hosting company SeekaHost Ltd., generating online incomes for my employees who are all working for me remotely. I started as a freelance SEO consultant and grew my online business step by step and reinvested the online income I generated into more online business opportunities. There is so much potential in becoming a digital entrepreneur and this is why I encourage you to look into it now to build alternative income streams.
As an Indian, you are blessed with a good internet connection or you can get a good internet connection from a reliable internet provider in India. Why? – because in order to work from home you need to be online and have access to a high-speed internet connection. Of course, you need a laptop and if you do not have one because you do not have the money to see if you can get a loan from one those banks in India.
Invest in technical equipment you will need to work online as it will certainly pay off in the long run.
Expert Tip: Read: How to get a loan to start an online business in India.
I also want to stress how important it is to invest in online learning like I did. In this guide I will refer to many online courses you should take. So, if you’re serious about creating income streams by working from home, make sure you read through my recommendations as you shouldn’t just sign up to any course.
This guide will give you all the tools and knowledge to learn how to earn from home as a student or parent who wants to support their family.
I have many people working at the ClickDo agency and SeekaHost, some of whom started while they were students, and some are busy mothers with kids and they still work from home and earn money online each month to support their family.
You know what happened with the lockdown and I assume in the future many things like this could happen again. So being prepared to earn money at home is the best way to be financially better off.
For me, what happened this year did not impact my online businesses hugely and to be honest I got more work done and even saved a ton of time not going to my office.
Working from home has been a blessing for me and I like the freedom to wake up and have a late coffee walking in the garden.
India is a huge country and with 1.3 billion people living there, you must be smart and not be one of those people who are looking for traditional jobs where you must travel to work and rely on constant job availability.
Just have a look at how much online income these top Indian Bloggers earn to give you an idea of the online income options you could work towards.
First you have to ask yourself if you have a skillset that you can offer as a service online. If you read my guide on 17 ways to make money online, you can see I encourage digital skill acquisition. Because that is the most sustainable way to earn from home over a long time. If you have a skillset that you can offer as a service and get paid for it, that is it. And there are many types of work you can provide via the internet.
Then you must learn it fast. As you can see in my articles, I discuss earning online and creating value to businesspeople a lot. Because people got the money and they need help.
There are over 28 million businesses in Indian with an online presence and they need help with online marketing services like content writing, SEO, Google AdWords, local business listing sites, virtual assistants, video creators, graphic designs and many more.
All the above-mentioned skills can be learned fast if you have a laptop and good internet connection.
You can join the SeekaHost University and learn digital marketing in India from home.
Take this very seriously and learn the digital skills. As you can see the world is online and you can learn, work, and earn from the internet.
Most of you who read this article do not have to step outside of the house to make money.
I have been living and working from many countries and even right now I am writing this from my home.
I have taught thousands of people to become SEO experts and help business owners in the western world and get paid.
Read the >
So, you know what you can pick and start immediately.
Most of those jobs you can easily do from home and get paid directly to your Indian bank account.
Ask your client or boss to use TransferWise borderless account to pay you, so you can get the best rates directly to your bank account in minutes.
Send them this, explaining the TransferWise Business Account Review so they know why it’s a better option to pay you.
You must become a knowledge seeker and learn digital and transferable skills every day.
Creating value to others starts with you learning and becoming skilled at a service you can help others with.
7 best jobs to earn money at home
1. Content writing for businesses

This is one of the best and easiest to start if you believe you can write good SEO friendly content. If you think you cannot write, that is because you never wrote content or invested time to write and get good at it.
Writing content for a travel company website was my first online work I did to get paid from a business in the UK. I wrote that content from home and even got my dad’s help to proofread it and help me make it better.
It was tough at the start as I could not write fast. But I kept going and wrote more and more content and eventually became much better.
You can learn how to write SEO friendly content by taking Manuela’s SEO Copywriting course at the SeekaHost University. She also started out by taking a short course in journalism and blogging part-time for business website blogs.
You may have to offer some writing samples for free initially to add to your portfolio, but this will help boost your reputation as a writer or blogger.
2. Work for an international company as a VA

Many international companies, especially start-ups look for virtual assistance and they pay per hour or hire staff for full-time support services.
You can read about this in more depth online and learn how to apply for VA jobs. The ClickDo Team have also released a useful guide of 48 Home Business Ideas where VA work is covered and in ClickDo’s extensive “Make Money Online Book” you will also learn about the best work platforms to use.
Starting as a VA and then showing your skills will certainly help you get good pay and work long term with a company.
I hired many college students to help me with various online tasks and after 6 months I ended up hiring them full time to work from home.
That is why I said you must learn digital marketing skills because every business needs help with online marketing, WordPress/Blog management, social media marketing etc.
It is not hard to learn online marketing skills and you can learn it all at SeekaHost University.
3. Offer SEO services

This is very lucrative career and many people in India do this from home and make so much money.
If you read my 17 ways to earn on India article, you can see I have shared some examples of how guys like Logesh eventually built their own business as a SEO company.
You can join the free SEO training course and learn how to do SEO and then complete the local SEO blueprint which will teach you everything about how to do SEO for business websites.
Learning SEO is the best way to earn from home working online all day every day. And still have fun to rank websites and make business owners happy.
This is by far one of the best online jobs to do to earn money from home doing a work from home job. Extremely high in demand and many people in India already offer SEO services for international businesses based in countries like the US and UK where the demand for SEO is remarkably high.
You can easily learn SEO skills for free at SeekaHost University and be certified with Google AdWords skills as well. So, you can offer businesses a complete online marketing solution.
As a student you can spend time to learn the vital SEO skills and be ready to get paid.
If you want to know more about how to earn from SEO services as a consultant, email me or join the SEO Consultants Facebook group I have created to help people learn SEO and offer to it to business owners and get paid online.
4. Become a Blogger

I have mentioned blogging in my previous guide on how to earn money online in India. Starting a blog is the first step and now you can start a blog easily with a domain name and blog hosting package from
If you are new to the world of blogging and do not know how to start a blog, read my guide about how to start a blog in India.
I have shared all the recourses and training material on how to start blogging and earn from your blog.
The guest posting services business model is one of the best to earn from blogging as a business.
I have it all covered at the courses at SeekaHost University and you can learn how me and my team at ClickDo does it.
Signup for the Blog for Profits course and learn how to earn from the guest posting/blogging business model.
You can join the free Ultimate Blogging course at SeekaHost University to learn how to start a blog.
All starts with blogging by you learning each step on how to start a blog by yourself. Do not skip this vital skill to enter the world of making money online doing what you enjoy.
Because starting a blog will show you how to build your first online property that will lead towards earning from it.
Many people look for shortcuts when entering to earn money online and miss this vital skillset.
Read more about how other online entrepreneurs have started out with a simple blog they grew to a successful internet enterprise here.
5. Become a web services expert

This is a vast field, however, if you can choose to learn a skill like web hosting, WordPress management or even network administration you have chances to get hired online. These high-end skills anyone can learn if you have the desire to learn by investing the time.
The web services industry is growing, and future of the web will demand highly skilled web services experts.
As more and more companies are hiring for work from home jobs, this is your chance to land a job.
SeekaHost looks for technical web hosting advisors and customer support experts each month as we are growing. So, if you are skilled you have an opportunity to search and apply for a work from home job. **Currently we are looking for people to come to our office and work, but it is fun to work from SeekaHost offices in India.
6. Become an online franchisee

You don’t have to run a McDonald’s restaurant, which is the ultimate franchise example, to become a successful franchisee. If you have a talent for selling, you can open an online shop on Etsy or Amazon, selling pictures and cosmetics online, getting into drop shipping or offering online services in the name of a famous brand.
The franchise model works well as people trust a well-known brand more and becoming an online franchisee means you can still be your own boss and manage a team, but receive guidance, training and support from management, so you’re learning vital skills while earning. It’s also less costly and you can test your management skills as a franchisee working from home.
Have a look at other online franchise businesses to find out whether you can see yourself becoming an internet franchise entrepreneur.
You can also get some home business ideas to set up your own business as I did.
7. Sell handmade goods online

Maybe you are very talented at art or in any other craft and you can sell such creations to a wider audience online. It can take you less than a day to build an online store to list your work and connect with customers on platforms like Amazon and Etsy.
Selling your own, handmade pieces here will enable people from all over the world to see and buy your handmade products. This could also include creative letters or cards, textiles designed in a unique way and much more. Start by having a look at Amazon Individual Seller Plans where you can sell as an individual up to 40 products per month for a very low fee of not even £1. This is one of the best ways to earn from home without a big financial investment to get started, however, the income can vary greatly, and you may not make a profit right away.
It will expose your products to a much bigger audience online and if you see an upward trend in sales on those platforms, you can build your own e-commerce website and start selling your products directly to your client base you have established.
Those are my 7 best recommend work options to do from home while earning online.
There are many more jobs you can do from home and earn as a student or stay-at-home parent. However, as I said skill acquisition should be your main goal for the work you do to get paid well online in the future.
Or else you are wasting your time doing some random work to just earn from home and you will not make good money after you left college or university.
Talk to some of the ClickDoers and Seekahosters based in India and ask how they did it from when they were students.
It’s time to learn how to make money from home doing work that’s fun, leading toward a future prosperous life. That is how you can live a good life for years to come no matter what happens.