What is A-Class IP Hosting? The SEO Impact of A-Class IP hosting

Learn what is A-Class IP Hosting and the impact on the Class A Hosting.
SEO is the major driving factor that can make or break the online presence and reach of your business.
The competition is tough. And SEO is the only way that can be effectively, efficiently, and affordably used to build your Internet stability and create a success story.
Among other things, IP hosting is of vital importance from the purview of SEO. However, it is a widely debated issue. A lot of people believe that hosting, especially which class of hosting you choose has no effect on your SEO.
IP hosting cannot, for a fact, be the single driving factor behind your SEO score. Its utility, however, cannot be completely ignored either.
Before you can choose if you should go for shared hosting, dedicated hosting, you need to understand what they actually mean.
Here in this blog, I am going to tell you what exactly is A-Class IP hosting and whether or not it has any impact on your SEO. For similar details about C Class IP hosting, you can visit right here.
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What is an IP address?
Let us start with the basics first.
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a string of numbers separated by dots. This string of numbers is what lets computers, phones, servers, and other devices communicate with one another. This communication between devices using IP addresses happens over the Internet. And is not subject to geographical locations.
The IP address is the identification for the computer or device that connected to the Internet or other computer networks.
An IP address looks like – xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Without an IP address, there would be no way for us to communicate over the Internet. It is the address part of a post. Without it, communication isn’t possible.
What is a Website IP address?
Websites have IP addresses assigned to them by their host servers. You could have a dedicated or shared IP address hosting.
Class A IP Addresses
Class A IP addresses are of extreme relevance for large scale businesses, and their SEO.
Class A IP addresses look somewhat like – network.host.host.host
The “network” includes a 3 digit number that can range from 0 to 127.
FAQs about Class A IP addresses:
Question 1: How to identify Class A IP addresses?
Looking at the first octet of the IP address can help you identify if it is an IP from class A.
If the first bit of the first octet is a binary 0, you are looking at a Class A address. Thus, an IP address that starts with 0 up till 127 in the first octet is from class A.
Question 2: What is the range of the Class A IP addresses?
As mentioned above, the first of the first octet in class A address is 0. The lowest one in the range can be 000.000.000, decimal 0. And the highest one can be represented by 01111111, decimal 127.
Question 3: How many class A IP addresses are available for use?
In class A, only the first octet is used to represent the network number. So it can have numbers between 1 and 126. (Given that 0 and 127 are reserved and cannot be used)
Now there are three octets remaining now for the host portion. This gives us 24 bits.
Screenshot from Source
Now, with these 24 bits, there are 224 possible combinations. And this yields 16,777,216 possible IP addresses.
Also, the highest and the lowest of these possible values, i.e., 24 0s and 24 1s are reserved for special purposes.
So, there are 16,777,214 unique IP addresses available for use in each of the 126 networks in A-Class.
Talking about IPv4 address space, Class A addresses account for more than half of this space.
(There is a decent amount of math involved in coming to those numbers and if you wish to know, this is where you can find it)
Question 4: Who uses A Class IP Addresses?
Vast networks use class A IP addresses like those put to use by ISP (Internet Service Providers). Google DNS used the A class address
A class A network provides too many possibilities for one campus or company. It is because almost 17 million host addresses are available in a class A network.
But that would generally create a lot of inefficiencies, waste, and management hassles. Therefore, subnet masks are used for breaking down a large block of address into small groups. These groups are called subnets, and the process is called subnetting.
Class A IP addresses and SEO
While most ‘experts’ would suggest that a C class IP hosting is the best for SEO purposes, that is not always the case. And that’s why recently at SeekaHost we did introduce the multiple call IP hosting packages.
If you have a backlink profile that has only C Class IP addresses, that’s fine for a small private blog network, however, to add up more diversity and a natural backlink profile it’s best to have multiple classes of IPs like A, B and C. Thereby creating a high strength backlinks profile for the sites you link to get PBN SEO power.
As such, no known record can state without a doubt that an A-class or any other IP address is linked to higher rankings in SERPs. But, after years of experimenting and hosting my own blog A class hosting I see there is a greater benefit that does in some way or the other, contribute to the SEO.
What else can you do to boost your private blog network SEO and money sites SEO power?
- You can get an SSL certificate. And as you know, Google prefers websites with an SSL certificate.
- It removes the hassles that could potentially arise due to bad neighbors. How? You pay more for A Class hosting, it becomes a kind of a private group. It helps drive up your revenue and, thus, justifies the cost.
- Also, if you have multiple IP addresses on class A hosting, it is less likely to raise suspicion about link farming. Thus, protecting you from unwanted circumstances. A Class hosting is higher in prices and the best you can get for PBN SEO work.
Ideally, you should have a mix of A, B, and C class hosting for the best results.
If you are looking for unique multiple class IP hosting packages, SeekaHost can offer the right packages at amazing prices.
No matter what plan you choose, just make sure you are not indulging in anything ‘unnatural,’ and you will be good to go.