13 Best Ways How to Make Money Online in Nigeria as a student without spending a dime

There are many ways to make money online in Nigeria without an investment while getting started from home.
I have written many articles about how to earn online working from home or remotely. I encourage people to get online and start earning doing something they enjoy.
You can see that I have already written top guides for anyone who wishes to start online and make a living as a digital nomad.
I have been a digital nomad for the last 7 years and am right now writing this guide for you while at my home. I must tell you that being able to work from home and earn over the internet is such a great thing. No need to worry about going to work, travelling wasting time on the road. I just fire up my laptop and start working and get paid to do so. And it’s the best thing about digital entrepreneurship freedom.
I run multiple online businesses and SeekaHost and ClickDo are my main online businesses generating money every day.
So, in this guide, I want to share with you the top 13 ways you can utilize to start earning money online in Nigeria.
As a student in Nigeria, you cannot always rely on your parents or guardians for upkeep money. Campus life can be costly, and the little money you get from student loan facilities, parents and guardians may not be sufficient. This is why you need to think outside the box about the legal ways to generate extra income. Have you thought of making money online? Well, there are several money-making opportunities online.
All you need is a few hours each day, reliable internet, and a good device like a laptop or smartphone. Let us look at some of the best ideas on making money online for a student in Nigeria:
13 Best Ways to Make Money Online
YouTube channel
Starting a YouTube channel is one of the easiest ways to make money online in Nigeria. Besides, this is a venture you can start with extraordinarily little capital. Additionally, you do not need a lot of technical knowledge to run your channel. Basic computer knowledge and a little creativity is all you need. YouTube platforms are quite popular. In a single day, the YouTube platform receives over 5 billion visitors. With such a big number of visitors, a single YouTube channel can generate up to 12 million dollars per year. Your earnings will majorly depend on the number of subscribers and views the content you post attracts and the level of engagement it generates. Some of the favorite and most rewarding YouTube niches to explore include:
- V blogs– V-blogging refers to the recording and publishing of creative videos. You can post unedited versions of your videos to your target audience. The content can touch on a wide range of topics like fitness, travels, cooking, school, families, and comedy.
- Tech videos– another favorite niche to explore is technology videos. If you can review different brands of available and upcoming devices or provide “how-to” tutorials on the use of software and gadgets, then you will quickly amass a broad audience.
- Comedy-people love comedy, and if you are a funny and talented comedian, there is an excellent opportunity for you on YouTube. Record your funniest skits and post them online, and you will be surprised at the feedback. In Nigeria, big comedians are living large. This is a clear testimony that there is money to be made in comedy and entertainment.
- Tutorials– this is the easiest niche to start. As a student, you can offer to teach other students online on arrears where they have difficulties. For example, you can give online accounting tutorials. Just start a YouTube channel and post your tutorials online.
You can make tons of money by blogging but first, you must learn how to start a blog. Besides, it is an effortless and cheap way to make money as a student. You do not need to work in an expensive office if you are a blogger. You can blog right from your small cubicle. Several revenue opportunities come with blogging. Some of these include:
- Paid freelance services
- Selling e-books
- Affiliate marketing
- Google ads
- Paid private forums
Although blogging is easy and cheap to start, you need to have a lot of patience before you realize the desired results. You should also have the requisite research and writing skills. To start, you need to design a blog then choose a few niches to specialize in. Afterwards, you will generate professionally researched and captivating content.
If you love to write and share your knowledge in an area you are passionate about, then monetize your gifts using a blog. It is also advisable to undertake the necessary training to help you become a better blogger.
Join the blogging community and learn how to start a blog and make money blogging.
Blogging is the easiest to start and the best way to earn online in Nigeria.
Starting a blog will give you the skills on how to the web works and improve your writing skills which can even lead to provide content writing services and earn from it.
I get many people to email me saying they can write content for my blogs but when I ask can I see their content they do not have proof.
And that is why starting a blog is the best way to showcase your content writing skills or expertise in a specific field. You can use it like a portfolio basically.
When you have a blog, you can write daily as I do on various blogs of mine.
I started my first blog on fernandobiz.com and then this blog opened more opportunities and led towards many more avenues I could explore online.
A blog helps you build a personal brand, get more exposure and people will reach out to you via your blog.
Ask Manuela Willbold about it and Dinesh Kumar as they started blogs recently and they both get people reaching out to them via their blogs.
You can learn more about starting a blog by talking to our team at SeekaHost.
Kasun is an expert in blog design and Gowdham knows how to make blogs Google friendly.
For blog content writing skills, you can take the SEO content writing course by Manuela. She shows how to do keyword research and create amazing content.
Watch the below video where she and me discuss On-Page SEO and keyword research which are the most important things when starting a blog.
Facebook marketing
With over 2 billion active users, Facebook offers a mouthwatering market for many companies. Many businesses are now using Facebook to market their products and services. Some of these are looking for online marketers to do marketing on their behalf. As a tech-savvy student in Nigeria, you can use your digital skills to offer these companies marketing services and earn an extra coin. If you have a large Facebook following, even better. Turn your Facebook page into a vibrant market place and earn handsome commissions. Your friends and fans offer a ready market.
Email marketing
Another viable way to make money online in Nigeria is email marketing. Email marketing is a form of affiliate marketing that involves using an email list of blog subscribers to promote a specific company’s product or service.
Typically, you send an email containing details of products or services you are promoting to a list of subscribers. Every time the subscribers buy the product or service using a link in the email, you get a commission. If they also share the email to third parties, you earn a commission. This venture is easy to start, as it requires minimal capital. You can also do it in the comfort of your room provided you have reliable internet service.
This venture is ideal for any student who loves to write and has excellent persuasive skills. You also need to be a skilled salesperson for you to succeed in this niche.
Sell products on Etsy
If you are a talented artist, you can sell your products on the Etsy platform. Etsy is a popular online marketplace in Nigeria. It is an online platform where buyers meet sellers. The unique thing about this platform is specializing in selling vintage items, arts, crafts, and other Afrocentric products. The platform attracts over 30 million visitors each month, thus providing a vast market for your wares. It is possible to earn over 1 million Nigerian Naira each year selling arts and crafts on Etsy. Additionally, you will not need a lot of capital to sell on the platform. For you to list an item, you will spend $0.20, which will last for four months or until the item is bought. The following are some great ideas to sell on this platform:
- Enamel pins
- Clip arts
- Knitting patters
- Jewelry
- Arts prints
- Printed shirts and t-shirts
- Customized notebooks
- Personalized glasses
- Stickers with imprints
Sell on Konga
Konga is a Nigerian platform where buyers meet sellers. It is one of the largest websites in Nigeria. Selling on Konga is easy and cheap. You are charged a fee of 3 percent, which you pay only after selling the product. As a student, you can sell products on behalf of other companies and earn a commission after every successful sale. In Nigeria, the Konga platform is popular, safe, and most trusted, and getting buyers for the products you are selling is almost guaranteed.
Sell on Jumia
Just like the Konga platform, Jumia is very popular in Nigeria. Most buyers make purchases using this online platform. The advantage with Jumia is that you can easily create your shop online and start selling your products. Alternatively, you can use the platform to sell companies’ products at a commission. In Nigeria, Jumia enjoys a broad market across the country. Buyers make purchases online and will pay an extra delivery fee via courier.
If you are a talented copywriter, several websites are looking for your services. Authority websites are always looking for fresh content to expand their user base. They recruit new teams for content research, curation, and editorial. They will pay you handsomely to research and write for them.
As a Nigerian student, it is easy for you to become a freelance writer. First, you need to get relevant training on the demands of the job. Afterwards, you can register with available writing platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Textbroker, from where you will find potential clients. You should also have a powerful laptop and access to a reliable network. This online niche is ideal for students who are passionate about writing and who have free time to do so.
Online tutoring
The education industry is changing. People nowadays are very busy, and they don’t like the idea of attending physical classes. They would rather take online courses that offer convenience and flexibility. You can take advantage of the wide accessibility to the internet in Nigeria to provide online tutoring. Helping others learn concepts is a quick way to earn income for a Nigerian student.
If you love teaching and have a gift in imparting knowledge to other people, then this is a viable venture to consider. It is one of the easiest and cheap online ventures to start. You can record your classes during your free time and post them on a suitable platform like YouTube.
Every time you create a new post, you can alert your followers via an email message. The massage should carry a link that directs the user to the video you uploaded. Your followers will then watch the classes during their most convenient time.
Teach foreign language
The world is becoming a global village. Most people are trying to learn new languages that will make communicating with others across the world easy. Some want to acquire competencies in foreign languages to increase their chance of getting employed. Others do it for trade while some want to learn foreign languages because they are relocating overseas for further studies.
Whatever the reason, if you are a Nigerian student who is fluent and competent in a foreign language, you can provide online language classes. This venture is one of the most reliable and lucrative in our list because you will never lack clients who will pay handsomely to learn a foreign language.
It is also an easy and cheap niche to start. You can use existing online learning platforms such as iTalk.com to connect with potential clients looking to master a foreign language.
Software development
The world runs on technology, and if you are an IT student, you can reap big by coming up with innovative technology. You should possess the required knowledge in a programming language to develop new computer programs that seek to solve problems bedevilling humans.
Programming involves documenting, testing and deployments of relevant applications that result in an ideal software product. It is also essential to safeguard your innovation with a patent. Besides, it is not enough just to develop a website. You should also acquire suitable marketing skills. Once you get a buyer, you will sell the software and earn a big profit.
Start a podcast
A podcast refers to a digital audio file that you post on the internet for users to download and use. You can design a podcast that is available in a series. Your subscribers will receive new audio recordings automatically every time they log into a given platform. If you want to earn big money, sell the podcasts instead of giving them out for free.
However, for you to get clients easily, your podcast should be insightful, relevant, compelling, and original. The excellent podcast will generate a lot of traffic and active engagements to earn you big profits. The podcast doesn’t require a lot of investments. Unlike online videos, you don’t need to set up an expensive studio. You record the audio anywhere and at any time.
Sell photos
Selling photos online is a niche that can bring a lot of income to a Nigerian student. If you love taking exceptional photos, you can post them on your blog for clients to buy. Alternatively, you can post them on stock online photo sites such as iStockPhoto or Shutterstock. You have to be a talented photographer to attract high paying clients. You should also invest in quality cameras and other accessories.
The advantage of this venture is that you will not require any complicated training. The opportunities are also very available, and clients are always looking to purchase unique photos for their sites or media platforms. Besides, your online photoblog can also earn you lucrative gigs like covering events for local clients within your campus neighbourhood.
There are several opportunities that teach how to earn money online in Nigeria as a student. The ideas we have shared today are practical, but you can start with almost nothing.
Pick one of the ways we have discussed to begin experiencing a change in your revenue stream. It is possible to quickly build an online income stream if you are passionate enough to step out of your comfort zone and venture on one of the niches.